(Must live in OLF church boundaries for monetary and food assistance.)
Persons needing rental, utility, food or other assistance should call 228-388-1837, Monday-Thursday, 10AM-1PM. A Case worker will call clients back if no one is there. 10 homeless clients can come in to shower, do laundry, and shop for clothes once a week. Those wanting to do this should be here by 9:30am, first come-first serve. Those that don't come in may pick up lunches at the front door, 11-1, Monday-Thursday. Friday lunches may be picked up at the church office, 11am-1pm and weekend lunches at the rectory, 11am-1pm.
Diocesan SVDP Council: http://svdpbiloxi.org
National SVDP Council: http://svdpusa.org
Call St. Vincent de Paul office for hours of when they are accepting donations of items and what types of things they are in need of,
Non-Perishable Food Items
We are accepting the below items at this time, canned goods for family food baskets, items for lunch bags for the homeless, small canned meats, beans, non-perishable snack packs, or luncheables, snack size chips, nuts, dried fruits, juice pouches, etc.
We challenge every family to bring at least one of the following nonperishable items to Mass every week and to place it in the “Food Drop Box” in the vestibule of the church. Items that can be used for the lunch bags for the homeless are needed at this time.
Make this a prayerful habit. When you are grocery shopping and select you item for the poor. Take time to thank God for the ability to provide adequate food for your own family and pray for those less fortunate. Choose from these items based on the first letter of your last name.
A-E: Boxed dinners (Hamburger, Tuna or Chicken Helpers), rice dinners, instant potatoes
F-I: Canned vegetables
J-N: Canned fruit
O-S: Peanut butter, jelly, spaghetti sauce, fruit juice
T-Z: Cereal, instant oatmeal, grits, pasta, rice & cheese
Perishable Food Items: bring to the S.V.D.P. building, behind the church
Monday - Friday, 11 am to 1 pm at this time(Subject to change).
Established in 1833 in Paris, France
Established at Our Lady of Fatima in October 5, 1983
Types of Assistance
If you would like to join us and share in God’s grace, we will welcome you with open arms.